Tuesday, 7 April 2015

What is this about? // ¿De qué va esto?

Leer en español
Hello world!

Or, rather, the small amount of people who are reading this. If anyone is, at all.
I think I should explain what I created this blog for, to begin with.
It's a sort of journal. A sort of to-do list. A sort of reminder, a guide back to the path of my dreams when I stray away from it and forget to keep fighting and working towards its achievement.
And what is this dream of mine? Travelling around the world.
Nothing too complicated. Oh wait! I forgot about the money. Well, yes, then, it's fairly complicated. But it's not impossible. So I'll have to keep that in mind.
I started this journal to record every little step I walk towards my dream. The blog is named 'Heading to London' because that's the starting point in my travelling plan: London. It's the city I've always dreamt of visiting, and, if possible, living in someday. So I'll start registering here every little ladybug step I make towards my goal, my biggest dream. Every piece of information I find, every test I pass, every person I talk to that might get me closer to London. 
Have you ever seen How I Met Your Mother? Just like every decision Ted made throughout the series brought him to the love of his life, perhaps every little choice I make in my life will take me to where I want to be. Which is everywhere*

*almost everywhere.

So what kind of stuff will I write here?
Anything related to travelling. I promise I won't go offtopic, I have another blog for that. If anyone wants to join me in this journey, you're completely welcome...in fact, I wish someone did. But I think that's unlikely to happen, since blogs are so 2010, right? Now everyone's on Facebook.
However, uh, back to the kind of stuff I'm planning on writing here: stuff like the places I want to visit, things I've read of, lists of stuff I want to do, steps I make towards fullfiling this dream, information I get, stories related to traveling, dreams...who knows! Who nose (Doctor Who reference –see? I've already made one step towards London: obsessing over one of its cult pieces of fiction.)
So that's about it by now, I don't want to talk about anything else that isn't some sort of introduction. I'll try to write as much as I can every day, even if it's only for my eyes only. I really want to complete this journal.

Maybe, one day, I'll post a picture of me in London, and all of this will have been worth it.

and now if you excuse me, my mum wants me to do the dishes.

¡Hola mundo!

Mejor dicho, a la pequeña cantidad de gente que está leyendo esto. Si es que alguien está leyendo.
Creo que debería explicar para qué creé este blog, para empezar.
Es una especie de diario. Una especie de to-do list. Una especie de recordatorio que me guíe al camino de mis sueños cuando me alejo de él y me olvido de seguir luchando y trabajando para cumplirlo.
¿Y en qué consiste este sueño mío? Viajar por el mundo.
Nada demasiado complicado. Uh, no, me olvidé de la guita. Bueno, es bastante complicado. Pero no es imposible, así que voy a tener que tener eso en mente...
Empecé este diario para grabar cada pequeño paso que de hacia mi sueño. El blog se llama Heading to London (Rumbo a Londres en español) porque ese es el punto de partida en mi plan de viaje: es la ciudad que siempre quise visitar, y, de ser posible, en la que quisiera vivir algún día. Así que voy a empezar a registrar cada pequeño paso de hormiga que haga en pos de mi meta, mi más grande sueño. Cada pieza de información que encuentre, cada examen que pase, cada persona con la que hable, cosas que podrían acercarme a Londres.
¿Han visto How I Met Your Mother? Igual que cada decisión que Ted tomó a lo largo de la serie lo llevó al amor de su vida, quizá cada pequeña elección que haga en mi vida me llevará al lugar en el que quiero estar. Y ese lugar es todos*

*casi todos.

Así que, ¿qué tipo de cosas voy a escribir acá?
Todo lo que esté relacionado con viajar. Prometo que no voy a irme de tema. Tengo otro blog para eso. Si alguien quiere unirse a este viaje, son más que bienvenidos...de hecho, ojalá fuera así. Pero creo que no es muy probable que suceda, ya que los blogs son tan del 2010, ¿no? Ahora todos usan Facebook.
De todas formas, eh, volviendo al tipo de cosas que planeo escribir acá: cosas como los lugares que quiero visitar, cosas que he leído, listas de cosas que quiero hacer, pasos que doy hacia el cumplimiento de este sueño, información que recibo, historias relacionadas con viajar...who knows! who nose (referencia a Doctor Who –¿ven? Ya di un paso hacia Londres: obsesionarme con una de sus series de culto.)
Así que eso es todo por ahora, no quiero hablar de cosas que no sean una especie de introducción. Intentaré escribir todo lo que pueda todos los días, incluso si sólo soy yo quien lo lea. De verdad quiero completar este diario.

Quizá, un día, postearé una foto de mí en Londres, y todo esto habrá valido la pena.


  1. Hi, Helena! Hablo español, but if you don't care, I'll rather make a comment in English, since that's more like this blog.
    I found this blog in BUA and it immediately attracted my attention because of its name -Heading to London, the city I've always dreamt of visiting, as you said.

    My dream has always been the same: travelling around the world, the whole world. From London (my starting point, too!) to the cold Denmark, going through the woods in Germany and the New Zealander beautiful locations that made the Lord of the Rings' world become real. And don't forget our country, of course! The Argentinian landscape is simply beautiful, in my opinion. I want to visit every single place, from Valle de la Luna, to the mountains in the South.

    I'm also in love with music, languages, cultures, art, architecture (although that's art, too), just as you describe. And I strongly believe that the only way to experience all these things is travelling and getting to know them in person. That's also why I like photography: it lets me add places to my to-visit list and make my dream even stronger -if that's possible.

    I wish you all the luck and hope you make your dream come true someday! Moreover, I'm sure you'll soon show us a picture of you in London!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. P.S.: what a beautiful view of London! You chose such a great pic!

    3. Go ahead! That's kind of the point of this blog, amirite? Practicing the language we love is one of this blog's goals and I don't see why that wouldn't be aimed at those who read it, too :)
      I'm glad to see there are people out there sharing my dream! It's a very positive thing, it encourages you to continue to share your thoughts and experiences...the places you've described sound beautiful! Without a doubt, this world is filled with wonders both natural and human-made, and I completely agree with you: you have to be there to get the feeling, a picture just isn't enough.
      Our homeland is also part of my plans! I consider this country to be one of the most beautiful ones in terms of landscapes: to the north-east we have jungle, to the north west we have the mountains, to the middle east we have the beaches, to the middle west and the south, the snowy mountains. We even have waterfalls! Argentina is without a doubt one of the most amazing places in the world :) And let's not forget about each city, with its own culture.
      I also like photography: in fact, one of my goals is to learn photography before I start my journey, so I can make the most of it by taking great pictures of the places I will forever hold in my heart.
      I wish you too the best of luck :) And thank you so much for reading my blog! It's been very interesting to read what you had to say about my post.
      See you soon Sofía :)


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